We repair all types of a/c and heating systems.

Helping East Texas Residents

Jehova Jireh A/C and Heating Services LLC’s mission and purpose is to help East Texas residents with their air conditioning needs. We provide professional A/C & Heating services to the Longview and surrounding areas. Our vision and purpose is to help all residents of East Texas, including those with low or no credit. We provide financing options with a fixed interest rate, accept all forms of payment, and all our financing is in-house.

Our goal is to provide you with the best service possible. We strive to ensure your installation and/or repair is done with quality workmanship and with your comfort in mind. To this end, and to provide you with peace of mind, we stand by our work guarantee our labor work for up to a year after a new installation. Read more about our financing and services.

For the last 7 years we have been helping East Texas residents to achieve or maintain a better quality of life with air conditioning and heating systems that are efficient and affordable. If you are interested in learning more about Jehova Jireh A/C and Heating services feel free to email us or send us a message on our social media profiles. We are happy to connect with you and answer any questions.

About Jehova Jireh LLC - Our Technician at work installing a new A/C unit